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Cybersecurity Investment Priorities - FY 2025 Budget

Guidance on cybersecurity research and development priorities « will be » released in a separate memorandum.

5 pillars of the NCS :

Defend critical infrastructure

Disrupt and dismantle threat actors

Shape market forces to drive security and resilience

Invest in a resilient future

Forge international partnerships to pursue shared goals


The changes are part of a congressional mandate in the 2023 NDA Act.

About 300 officers focusing on offensive and defensive cyberspace operations.

The U.S Navy will replace its Cryptologic Technician-Networks (CTN), rating with that of « cyber warfare technician ». But though the name is changing, job duties will stay the same.

Our cryptologists historically have been focused on signals intelligence, electronic warfare, maneuver and the electromagnetic spectrum, information operations. And when we first expanded into the cyber role, we aligned a lot of cyber responsibility with them because of their electronic and signal savvy ( Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach )

By the year 2040, Next-Generation AI-enabled systems will radically obfuscate the battlefield, disrupt traditional ideas of power, and fundamentally alter war. AI is the primordial technology guiding this change during the information age.

The CNAS Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Initiative explores how the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution could lead to changes in global power, the character of conflict, and crisis stability.

The accelerating maturation of artificial intelligence will shatter current notions of the character of war.


Guerre en : « La va s'engager plus franchement sur des domaines comme le , le spatial, le renseignement, la défense sol-air de nouvelle génération et les »


United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (SOF ATL), Directorate of Science and Technology (S&T), transformed the BAA infrastructure to better align with the USSOCOM Commander's strategic priorities and vision.

SOF are designed to operate across the continuum of campaigning, crisis, and conflict. The Future Operating Environment (FOE) is a world of « Convergence » : the point where the gap between non-state and state actor capabilities diminishes and the threat to force and mission success increases significantly.

Last October, SOCOM quietly released an updated version of its wish list with a new section: « Advanced technologies for use in Military Information Support Operations »

🗨 Ce qui a été soustrait est aussi pertinent que les nouveaux ajouts.



AsterX : L'armée de l'air et de l'espace doit mettre en œuvre des mesures de récupération, d'analyse et de décontamination des données à cause d'une perte d'intégrité de son système de représentation de la situation spatiale suite à une attaque.


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Exercice de planification opérationnelle d'une Small Joint Opération (SJO), comptant jusqu'à 40 000 hommes puis planification de la phase 2 d'ORION 23.



Campagne aéro-maritime d'entrée en premier dans une zone fortement défendue. Phase de projection de puissance interarmées, déployant la force de réaction rapide (QRF) renforcée d'alliés Cette force inclut l'ensemble des composantes et des capacités des armées françaises dans tous les milieux et champs.



Travail interministériel permettant aux autorités politiques d'adapter leur cycle et processus de prise de décision à la rapidité et à l'ampleur d'une crise.



Opération de grande ampleur où une composante terrestre multinationale de niveau divisionnaire s'engagera dans un affrontement aéroterrestre majeur. Ces combats terrestres seront précédés de l'acquisition de la supériorité aérienne.

🔨 Disruptive Technology Strike Force

The Department of Justice & the Department of Commerce are launching the Disruptive Technology Strike Force. The strike force will bring together experts throughout government to target illicit actors, strengthen supply chains and protect critical technological assets from being acquired or used by nation-state adversaries.

Using real-time intelligence and 21st century data analytics, the Disruptive Technology Strike Force will bring together the Justice and Commerce Departments’ expertise to strike back against adversaries trying to siphon off our most advanced technology, and to attack tomorrow’s national security threats today.


RETEX - Emploi de l'arme

Le cyber est avant tout une arme d'emploi, c'est tellement une arme d'emploi, qu'elle est employée tous les jours.

La guerre de haute intensité est plus que jamais une réalité. Les ambitions de demain se fondent sur le quantique. Ainsi, se dessine un futur, où ces deux innovations convergeront lors de campagnes militaires.


For several months, the U.S Army has quietly been experimenting with how to link its Special Operations Command, its Space and Missile Defense Command and its Cyber Command more closely on the battlefield, under a new « triad » concept.

All data will be used to bolster the service's capability to monitor or deter an adversary.

Operations included lethal options in the physical world paired with non-lethal options, such as information warfare or cyber.


The Cyber Military Intelligence Group was created to perform functions not found anywhere else within the Army or intel community, and blend open source information with military intelligence.

Big data platforms exist across U.S. Cyber Command, the Defense Information Systems Agency, Army Cyber Command and the Marine Corps. They are essentially hybrid cloud environments that allow for storage, computation and analytics across networked sensors. When forces conduct cyber missions, they collect data and use high-powered analytics to make sense of it. Big data platforms do just that, but also share that analysis in an easy-to-access repository for other forces. The Army's version is called Gabriel Nimbus.


The Army will be building two more cyber mission force teams for U.S. Cyber Command. The majority of new cyber mission force teams will come from the Army and Air Force. Teams will learn foundational concepts of cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum and could serve in new tactical electronic warfare units or in integrated cyber, electronic warfare and information operations units, as well as staff sections.

Offensive cyber forces conduct operations under what's known as Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber, which provide planning, targeting, intelligence and cyber capabilities.


Plus anciens

Comme le soleil, les machines ne se couchent jamais.