@colt we are back !
During #sstic conference (FR infosec reference con), I have done a lightning talk about benefits you can have to deploy an #ACME frontend (Serles ACME proxy in our case) in front of your private PKI in your private corporate network.
One main #takeaway is the great diversity it exists among ACME clients due to its open and standardised format. This diversity in terms of languages and technologies allows a lot of different people among our internal IT ecosystem (developers, sysadmins, devops, architects, network guys...) to adopt ACME.
The final result is a greatly wider adoption of certificates automation inside our private network and a less work for Security team. With zero change (organisational nor added people ) on the PKI side.
Reference (FR only for the talk sorry 😔):
. Slides https://github.com/AssuranceMaladieSec/talks/blob/main/SSTIC-2023-RUMP-Apport-ACME-en-r%C3%A9seau-priv%C3%A9.pdf
. Talk https://static.sstic.org/rumps2023/SSTIC_2023-06-08_P12_RUMPS_03.mp4
. Serles ACME proxy https://github.com/dvtirol/serles-acme
. Lego ACME client https://github.com/go-acme/lego
@colt ça devrait te plaire https://twitter.com/Departement89/status/1502313226494746629