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Say hello to our new plugin: Dynamic Compressor, developed by Max Maisel!

I hastily recorded a two minute video explaining what it's all about:

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Téléphonie mobile et libertés (avec Agnes Crepet de Fairphone et @gael de /e/ ) – « Libre à vous ! » ça commence à 15h30 sur Cause Commune (puis en podcast) :

Écouter le direct :

S'abonner au podcast

S'abonner à la lettre d'actus

#libreavous #S05E06 #causecommune

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💥 CVE-2021-1594 A vulnerability in the REST API of Identity Services Engine (ISE) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to perform a command injection attack & elevate privileges to root

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How to URL encode (percent encode) a string in Vala (GLib):

Uri.escape_string ("Hello, world!");

// Hello%2C%20world%21

To decode:

Uri.unescape_string ("Hello%2C%20world%21");

// Hello, World!

(Documenting it as it was not easy to find with a cursory web search.)

#vala #urlencode #urldecode #url #uri #escape #unescape #encode #decode #glib

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syncop a partagé

On dit pas :
« Fuite de données » on dit « sauvegarde décentralisée involontaire »


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having a dab at a pure #microcode version of my cpu, no encoding, 16-bits wide control words, directly fed from rom.

got a Sierpinsky in 48bytes. This is not optimal for ultrasmall programs.

Next I'll try the popcorn melody, let's see how it compares :))

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Tails 4.23 is out:

Tails 4.24 is scheduled for November 2.

Have a look at our roadmap to see where we are heading to:

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Nous nous réjouissons qu'Alexis Kauffmann, cofondateur de Framasoft, qui a quitté l'association en 2014 (soit ~7 ans !) soit nommé au poste de "Chef de projet logiciels et ressources éducatives libres et mixité dans les filières du numérique" à la Direction du Numérique à l’Education nationale.

Bonne route à lui.

cc @tnoisette

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The company Autodesk confirmed that it was hit by the same as the large-scale scam that attacked SolarWinds servers from Orion Network Management . The company is one of the most renowned in the field of creation and software, including programs such as AutoCAD

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syncop a partagé

This month, we released LibreOffice 7.2 – but our community was busy with many other things too! Check out this quick recap:

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Developers please make sure release notes are into the RSS/Atom feed.

It's annoying to have to hut for the Changelog for one you can ignore (ie. fix for Windows/MacOS) or one you can't ignore (ie. security fix).
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🚀 CryptPad 4.10 is now live on !

This release introduces some nice visualizations to help make sense of form responses.

Summaries now include a timeline showing the number of responses per-day, as well as graphs alongside tallied results.

Plus anciens

Comme le soleil, les machines ne se couchent jamais.